Junior Mess from Junior Kuppanna, known for its authentic Kongu Cuisine, hosted a unique evening of Gana Nights. This event celebrates the deep connection between music and food, honoring Chennai’s cherished folk singing tradition, especially the popular Gana style, and its talented artists.
To savor a new menu inspired by Kongu flavors, including delicious dishes like Chicken Chinthamani, Chicken Kaima, Chicken Nallampatti, Brain Milagu Fry, Chicken Kaattuvaruval, and Mutton Kathambam.
Enjoyed the soulful tunes of Gana with a special performance by Kalaimamani Singer Velmurugan. This Gana Nights event was presided over by Mr.Murthy and Mr.Arumugan, along with many socialites and celebrities.
Special mentions to Gana Vimala, a transgender artist featured in Coke Studio, who, along with Gana Achu, gave wonderful performances.
This event promises to be a harmonious blend of music and food, creating a memorable experience.
Junior Mess from Junior Kuppanna
Old no. 67, New no. 133,Royapettah High Road,
Phone: 7358113773
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