In a first of its kind mega event, Congruence Holdings has inaugurated 10 mobile studios for Mi at multiple locations across Tamil Nadu today (28 September, 2022) through Mobile One Studio Pvt Limited. A grand event to mark the inaugural of the outlets happened at the Velachery showroom (No. 41/348/1, Velachery Main Road, First Segment, Vijaya Nagar, Velachery, Chennai 600042). It was attended by senior officials of Xiaomi and Mobile One Studio Pvt Ltd.
The 10 stores that were inaugurated today are located at Velachery, Kodambakkam, Padi, Porur, Kundrathur, Arumbakkam, Virugambakkam, Kolathur, Perungudi – OMR in Chennai and Anna Nagar in Madurai.
Mobile One Studio Pvt Ltd is a subsidiary of Congruence Holdings which was incorporated with a sole focus of associating with Xiaomi India to venture into exclusive branded showrooms all over India. It has already opened three stores in a short time at Purasawalkam, Mogappair, Parry’s Corner in Chennai. Mobile One Studio Pvt Ltd is a proud partner of the Xiaomi Mi Studio 2.0 program.
“With our vision to establish a strong footprint across India, as the next move Mobile Studio is proud and happy to announce the launch of 10 stores across Tamil Nadu. The vision of Mobile Studio is to cover more geographical locations across India to support Mi Studio 2.0 program with better retail and superior customer experience. We are planning to open 32 stores by December 2022,” said Shabbeer Hussain F, Chairman of Congruence Holdings.
Mohammed Rafi F, CEO of Congruence Holdings, said, “We are very happy to partner with Xiaomi India to launch these new outlets. All our showrooms will provide unique and unmatched experience to our discerning customers. We will reach out to more customers with our expansion plans to open 32 stores by the end of this year.”
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