January 31, 2025

TN Cube Association Student Master Kanish.R has Successfully Completed his GUINNESS WORLD RECORD attempt for most diagonally solving puzzle in 24 hours

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Cube Association student master Kanish.R has successfully completed his Guinness World RECORD attempt for most diagonally solving puzzle in 24 hours at Sree Akshayam hotel in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Under the Training and guidance of Tamil Nadu Cube Association president, Dr R.Chandrika and founder R.Bindu Priyanka in the presence of world records. Scrambling witness Mr Anand Ranjendran.

Master Kanish.H R, started this event on 16th January 2024 morning at 7:45 Am he successfully completed this Guinness world record attempt on the next day, at 7:45 AM 17 January 2024. he did this solving 24 hours continuously. While performing this attempt, he can take rest for each one hour just five minutes only in that he just have to eat and he have to use the restroom also and he was practising from past five years for this Guinness world record attempt and now he successfully achieved. The current world record count for most diagonal is solving puzzle in 24 hours is 5000 Cubes but master Kanish break the record with the count of 9732 with his dedication and passion. His parents, Dr Rajmohan and dr Hemlata was a big support for master Kanish to achieve this Guinness world. Record attempt. And they have the feel very proud for their son Guinness world record achievement. The guest of honour for the event is Mr Nakiran Gopal a famous in investigative journalist in Tamil Nadu and a social worker and Dr Kanan have appreciated his Guinness world record achievement.

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